On the Sculpture Trail
Near the end of every year, when Christmas cheer starts to descend upon the multitudes on the isle of Singapore, figurines of Santa appear along the water features near the Nassim gate of the Botanic Gardens. I have a good memory of these decorations, and I especially remember appreciating them during one Christmas season, two and a half years ago. At the time, Ethan had just completed his PSLE and Audrey her A Levels. At work, our group of four scientists had recently managed to clinch some grant funding to pursue research in cultivated meat. After work one day, I visited the Gardens to partake of the seasonal atmosphere, feeling grateful for the blessings in life. The Santas were simple faces painted on the surface of tree stumps, with plant, flower and other decorations surrounding them. But as simple as they were, they captured the spirit of festivity at the Botanic Gardens, serving as models posing for the more animated, camera-toting visitors, which included myself! A little furt...